Tuesday, August 31, 2010

24: short n sweet.

my life as of recent has consisted of the following:

Moving out is being put on hold for a moment to help take care of my grandparents. Which...I would love to sit here and lie and say that I'm totally cool with, it's fine, I'm more than happy to do it. In all reality, the immature baby part of me is totally pouting and fussing about it, saying things like "I've spent the last three years dealing with their shenanigans! It's not fair, right on the cusp of my freedom!"

But...they've helped me, and now it's my chance to return the favor. And a month isn't that long, in the grand scheme of things. I'm just whining, as usual.

mk. I'll update soon, promise. I just have too much to do right now. <3

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