I have internet again. Woot!
I realize generally that while I have a generally logical head on my shoulder, it gets clouded by snap judgments and emotions and...well, cute things. I'd hope that I'd be aware enough to see it before things blow up too much. Hmm. I see it happening now. I also continue to watch myself do nothing in particular to stop it. I should probably be learning a lesson here, but I see no lesson to learn. Therefore...I just try and put my emotions in my back pocket and continue on with my journey. I should get out now, but I'm having too much fun and am enjoying you too much in my life to stop. Maybe that's the lesson. Stop having fun and refocus.
My new place is grand. Once I actually get everything unpacked, I promise pictures.
I have so much homework to do. I really can't write as much as I'd like. I promise an update soon.
Here's a song I'm obsessed wtih. It has become one of the theme songs for opening with Garrett, mostly because it is fabulous, and well...it's the Strokes (G's fav) and Regina Spektor (my fav.)
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