Things happen for a reason.
Example: Once upon a time, there was a cute barista working at a coffee shop. She loved this job, but occasionally she got frustrated with it. There was a customer, an old man who said several inappropriate things to this cute barista. When she tried to talk to her boss and owner about the situation and explain that she was uncomfortable, the owner made the snide remark, "Work it for tips."
This angered the cute barista.
The barista loved her job, but did not want to work for a skeez-ball like the owner, and began looking for another job. She wandered into a mall, wandered into a Retail Establishment, and asked the manager if they were hiring. Turns out they were looking for seasonal help. She filled out an application, thinking maybe that spending less time at the coffee shop might help her, at least til she could find something full time.
She was hired at this particular retail establishment and soon after began her training. It was during this training that a lovely boy ran into the back office, interrupting the manager's droning speech about customer service. The cute barista and the lovely boy exchanged names and he made a joke that made her laugh. She liked him immediately.
The barista and the boy clicked, and the more they chatted, the more they grew to enjoy each other's company. One day this lovely boy asked her how she felt about a band. She had heard this band some, but hadn't given them a lot of time. She told him this, and he lent her a book that accompanied an album to read on a trip. This book and album gave her something to talk about with her ex-stepdad's girlfriend on this trip, thus making her look like the dutiful and wonderful daughter she always strived to be. This book also helped this girl to realize that she really liked this band, and upon her return, she downloaded the rest of their catalog, and listened incessantly.
However, this barista was not cut out for retail. She also realized that this cute boy had a fiance, and that she was in danger of getting far too emotionally attached. So, she put in her two weeks at this Retail Establishment and decided to focus on the coffee shop again. She tried to put distance between herself and the lovely boy, but it was hard, as they enjoyed each other's company. He'd come visit her at work. He asked her to spend time with him. She'd occasionally oblige, but tried her best to keep her distance and not ruin things.
Everything was fine until the manager of the coffee shop announced to her that the shop would be closing in a week. The cute barista was at a loss. This was her second home, her second family. What would she do? Where would she go?
The coffee shop closed, and the lovely boy was there on the last day, hugging her while she cried and pondered her future. The lovely boy was proving to be a good friend, someone who cared about her a lot.
Things got worse for the cute barista, as she lost her job, then her apartment, and then her mind. The lovely boy was never far away, checking in on her, making sure she was ok, and making her smile.
Things were hard for the cute barista and the Lovely boy. There were feelings there, feelings that couldn't be acted upon because of the Fiance. And while they both tried to deny it, things came to a head one New Years Eve, and the cute barista found herself in a tricky position. She didn't want to make this boy's life any more difficult than it already was, but at the same time, it killed her inside to watch him try and make things work with the Fiance when it was painfully obvious that they were not a good match. It made the cute barista sad.
The cute barista eventually found another job in another coffee shop. However, this *other* coffee shop was vastly different from her previous shop, and she hated it. After one particularly rough shift, the cute barista called her Mother crying.
"Mother, I cannot take any more of this. I'm miserable. I'm broke, losing my apartment and working a job I cannot stand. I'm unhappy with my position in life."
Her Mother sat on the phone silent for a second, then uttered the following.
"Maybe, Cute Barista, you should move to Florida. You'd be with me and I would be able to help you fix the things that are making you unhappy."
The cute barista took this suggestion under serious consideration. What was keeping the cute barista in her current town? Not much it seemed. The lovely boy and Fiance would be leaving soon. The cute barista was almost finished with school. She hated her job and needed a home. So, she called Mother back and told her that she would move to Florida, once the semester ended and her degree was obtained.
Things with the cute barista and the lovely boy were strained after the encounter and they did not speak as much. This was not to say that the lovely boy strayed far from her mind, but she also knew that she needed to back off before she messed up the boy's life even more than she already had.
The cute barista left for Florida a couple of months later, and found herself thinking about the boy as she drove through his former place of residence, which he loved so. She talked to him a bit that night, and it made her happy to hear from him.
She arrived in Florida and began trying to rebuild a life. She had a place to live with a Sunshine-filled Roommate. She also focused on rebuilding her mind, which involved lots of Doctors. This annoyed the cute barista, as she was not a fan of Doctors. She often found herself drifting off in thought and thinking about the lovely boy. She missed him a lot, and hoped he was doing well.
A few months later, out of the blue, the lovely boy got in touch with the cute barista. He dropped a news-bomb on her: his relationship with the Fiance was over. He was sad about this, but was also happy, in that he could do the things he wanted to do without having to compromise. This involved talking to the cute barista, as well as other activities.
The cute barista was overjoyed at the reemergence of the lovely boy in her life. This helped her to be happy, and thus helped her to get rid of a few of the Doctors in her life, as well as the Medicines and Therapy they forced her to do. The cute barista and lovely boy have planned several trips to be together, including one on New Years, the anniversary of that first connection.
None of this would have happened, if not for a snide remark and creepy old man's inappropriate behavior.
This case is rested.
[...Oh, and that band the lovely boy suggested to the cute barista? She drove four hours to see them in concert by herself, and they've become one of her music staples.]
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