So. Was banking on unemployment and cash from selling my books back to float me through this month while waiting on paychecks and things from jobs I just started.
I received a letter today from the Unemployment office telling me basically that I'm bring denied my money due to their not receiving a form that I never filled out. Which would be of my accord...IF I HAD RECEIVED THE FORM MYSELF. Also, the cash from selling back my books? Nope. They refused my math book. My philosophy book was a rental and therefore, nope. My other two books came up to 64 bucks. WOO. Then they put it on one of those fake debit cards.
...which is whatever. I understand. It's money. However, I can't pay rent with this. I can't use this to pay my credit card. I can use to put gas in my car, which is good. and to eat. but I promised Jeff that money, and now I have to re-nig that promise because JeffCo is stupid.
...The only good thing about today was getting a card in the mail from my Bugaboo Les, who I miss WAY too much for her face to be in Virginia all the time. Come home, please! <3
I got a D+ on my math test...which probably brought my grade down to a C. Which means that my final is make-it-or-break-it. I really would like a B, as to not completely screw my GPA this semester. I also didn't get to say goodbye to Brad, my philosophy professor who I adore, because he's sick...planning on sending him an email. (I know, nerdy, but dude's the bomb.) But I feel good about that final, at the very least. I'm right on the fence of the A/B mark in government. I know I have an A in both history of rock n roll and philosophy, so that helps. I just...I'm so close to being done at JeffCo, for which the main goal was to raise my GPA to help pay for real school.
There's also a large possibility in my going to MoBap instead of UMSL. It would be way convenient, as it is ten minutes from here and work. It's a little more, but if I can get that covered with financial aid and scholarships, it'd be totes worth it. I need to look into their programming a bit more to see if it has the major I'm interested in. Also, they're connected with JeffCo, so I know all of my credits will transfer. A definite plus.
All right. I need food and to start hitting the books. Two more finals, and then this semester is OVER.
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