So. Remember how I said that I do not trust/enjoy StL drivers in the snow? Yeah. Case in point. Yesterday, I was rear-ended on my way to get coffee with Garrett. Now my back end is all wonky and my car creaks all creepy when I drive it. Plus my neck has been killing me all day, although this could very well be from the fact that I may have slept on it goofy.
It's funny. The few people I've talked to about the situation ask the expected questions about insurance and repairs. and honestly...I could care less about that stuff. The guy that hit me looked to be about my age, and jumped out of his truck, crying, freaking out. He explained to me that he's going to school and working three jobs, but just cannot afford car insurance.
It was a strange moment. I wasn't angry. I wasn't particularly shaken up. I felt...bad. For him. I understood exactly where he was coming from. I know exactly what it's like to work hard and feel like you're getting nowhere. I also remembered how obnoxious the guy whose car I bumped when my brakes failed over the summer. He's the reason my car insurance doubled, when in all reality, the final claim stated that I did just barely 500 dollars worth of damage to his car, which is a joke. 500 is the minimum, so...whatever. Regardless. I wasn't about to make this guy's life hard.
So, I told him it was fine and gave him a hug. He thanked me, we climbed back in our vehicles and went on our ways.
Chuck is tough. I'm tough. We handle things. We've got our scars, our imperfections, our weird the end of the day, when things get tough, we'll get your there. We're accountable. We do what we gotta, the end.
As life gets curiouser and curiouser, Jeff slipped a package under my door this evening. It was postmarked from Oregon, which was strange, as I hadn't ordered anything nor do I actually know anyone from there. Turns out it was a copy of the Ascetic Junkies' newest album....the album I had waited for months to come out, only to not be able to afford after losing my job.
It came with an extra copy of the album and a post-it note from them, explaining that the extra album was "for a friend" and thanking me for buying the album.
SO. Random friend of mine who bought me the album...thanks. :) You should tell me who you are. I'd give you the extra copy of the album.
With that being said, I just gave it the initial listen-through....and they do not disappoint. <3 They've gone a bit more folky in content and laid off the politics. (which I sort of expected. With Obama in office, there's not really a figurehead-monster for the liberals to point their finger at. I'll post a full report once I get a better analysis of the album.
All right. I'm off to bed. <3
ps--Time magazine listed his album as the best to come out in 2010 and this song is probably why.
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