I don't know who it was, and it really doesn't matter, aside from my wanting to be able to thank them in person. Someone paid the rest of my rent for this month. That's 250 dollars that I can now use to buy food and gas. To pay my property taxes. To even buy a few Christmas presents.
I've set aside twenty of it to pay forward in some way. I'm realizing more and more that I can't let things terminate on me, I need to be more giving and work towards helping others, in the ways that I can. And I know twenty isn't much, but every little bit helps in one way or another.
My mum will be here in a little over a week. I'm really starting to get excited about seeing her. Yeah, I'll be working a lot, but not like I can't see after. Or before. Whatever. And my bugaboo will be home soon. I can't wait to see her. She's always a calming, positive force that I love to have in my life.
Also, it snowed. It's snowing currently. It's beautiful through the window. Driving in it...not so much. *laughs* I have no idea where my confidence in snow-driving comes from, but I wish that the StL population had some of it. It's really not that bad. I'm more concerned with other drivers than myself in being able to handle it.
I'm waiting on my govt/constitution class to post grades, but so far, I have straight A's this semester, which I'm super stoked about.
Welp, I'm off to clean my apartment and get ready for work.
wow. This just made me entire Christmas season. How good is our God Burgy. Oh how he loves YOU.